Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Braveheart (1995)

9/11... how do you pick a movie today? Do you go with a direct 9/11 related movie? Or do you just leave that alone because there is enough to remind you of the anniversary without direct stimulus? Do you go for inspirational to lift your spirits and make you believe that good can happen in this world? What about a comedy to just completely ignore the whole thing?
It's all pretty personal and difficult. Unless you just don't care about remembering what happened 12 years ago.
I don't know which category you fall under and ultimately, that's your decision. I'm just a guy that makes dumb recommendations about movies to watch. And as such, if you are interested, here they are:

Oh crap! Another Mel Gibson movie! 2 days in a row! That's history for marks the anniversary of the Battle of Sterling Bridge. In 1297, William Wallace and Friends had what was basically their finest moment in Scots vs English fighting as they soundly kicked the bums of the invaders. Kind of a high point for the sword throwing enthusiast and it kind of went downhill after that. Obviously, you can enjoy more blue-painted madness by watching that epic Scottish flick, Highlander Braveheart, and perhaps take a little extra pride in screaming "FREEDOM!" at the end.

Happy Birthday! Brian DePalma turns 73! Might I suggest The Untouchables? I mean, DePalma works some magic because it's a non-baseball movie where Kevin Costner isn't unbearably annoying.

And another birthday for an actor who has passed away almost a year ago but was one of my favorites. Herbert Lom was probably best known as Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus, the recipient of unintentional misfortune by one Inspector Clouseau (you know, Peter Sellers) in several Pink Panther films. But he was extremely accomplished and appeared in many memorable films. For today, I'm going with The Ladykillers (the 1955 original) where he plays quite the scoundrel and appears with the aforementioned Peter Sellers and the iconic Sir Alec Guinness.

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