Monday, September 9, 2013

The Waterboy (1998)

Adam Sandler turns 47 today! Give him some candy! So many movies to choose from for Adam Sandler... some of them are even good! My normal go-to Sandler pick is The Wedding Singer, mostly because of the Billy Idol cameo (and it's a good movie), although I actually do enjoy Happy Gilmore and 50 First Dates, but it must be The Waterboy for today. After all... it's college football time and The Waterboy is a movie about college football... more or less.
Sandler, being known for ridiculous characters, might have his best ridiculous character here. He's a savant (with regards to drinking water) but sufficiently stupid and over the top without going, in the immortal and un-politically correct words of Kirk Lazarus, "full retard." And he surrounds himself with completely ridiculous characters played by Kathy Bates, Henry "The Fonz" Winkler, and Fairuza Balk. And then of course, there is the character of "Farmer Fran" played by Blake Clark. That is one of the silliest characters ever to appear in a football movie.
Also of note, this was Jerry Reed's last role. And dang... he was just mean!

Alternate Pick -  In 1956, Elvis Presley first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. And the world was never the same. Shortly thereafter, Elvis made his movie debut in Love Me Tender.

That's Harsh, Man - Duck Soup, the 1933 Marx Brothers classic, tells the tale of President & Dictator of the bankrupt nation of Freedonia, Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho) and the hijinks that ensue when he declares war on neighboring Sylvania. Chico and Harpo play Sylvanian spies... like that's a good idea. It's inept politicians and poorly executed war mongering done hilariously!
In other news, today is the day North Korea celebrates its Independence Day.

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